
About Us

Based on the principle of Shastri Shree Dharmajivandasji Swami who has established Gurukul Tradition in 1947, aiming at the interest in helping needy person for that he has done many activities throughout his life; to extend his thoughts Dharmajivan Lokseva Trust was established in 2015.

Dharmajivan Lokseva Trust is the conglomerate of young pursuers from the Swaminarayan Gurukul, which aims at the upliftment of the communities in the area of education, health care and environmental issues. The volunteers of the trust spread awareness through different initiatives in different regions of the state of Gujarat.

We envision a society where all people hold the power to improve their lives by the means of our different initiatives. Our ultimate goal is to provide and protect the most fundamental things that all of us needs in our day to day life.

We do not focus on one particular area or one issue. And we’re not interested in short-term fixes. Instead, building upon a foundation of integrity, partnership and field work, we find permanent solutions to perennial problems.

Our Mission

The mission of Dharmajivan Lokseva Trust is to enable the community to advance skills & knowledge, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of societal problems for the well-being of humanity.

Our Vision

Our vision is to make an environment for people where they live in healthy, prosperous and equivalent society for the betterment of the nation.