Grain Pest Distribution: Dharmajivan lokseva trust had distributed around 400 Grain Pest during recent pandem.
Fashion Designing Cource is one of the most popular Design specialisations among students. Every year thousands of candidates apply at different Fashion Designing colleges across the country with an aspiration to become a successful fashion […]
This course is designed to aim at imparting a basic level IT Literacy programme for the common man. This programme has essentially been conceived with an idea of giving an […]
Mehndi is a form of body art and temporary skin decoration usually drawn on hands or legs, in which decorative designs are created on a person’s body, using a paste, […]
Grain Pest Distribution: Dharmajivan lokseva trust had distributed around 400 Grain Pest during recent pandem.
ધર્મજીવન લોકસેવા ટ્રસ્ટ સુરત દ્વારા ઉના વાવાઝોડા ગ્રસ્ત માટે 2000 અનાજની કીટોની સેવા. સંતો તથા યુવાનોએ કીટો તૈયાર કરી.
શ્રી ધર્મજીવન લોકસેવા ટ્રસ્ટ દ્વારા આયોજિત ગુરુદેવના 120મા જન્મદિનના ઉપલક્ષમાં 120 બોટલ રક્તદાન કેમ્પ તથા 120 રાસન કીટનું વિતરણ.
Education shapes the society by leading new generation towards the changing social environment. If you invest in education today, it will benefit the generations to come.